Better Living by Electrolux

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In 2017, we developed Electrolux global corporate brand platform centered on their brand purpose: to “Shape living for the better”. An offering built around improving the small tasks of everyday life at home.

As a vehicle to steer Electrolux towards their promise and main targets, we then created the Better Living action list: a list that will develop to contain 100 actions by 2030. A vehicle for change and communication, void of high-level retorics.

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To activate our iniative, the CEO wrote an open letter urging the future generation to share their thoughts and sign up for co-creating a better living in the future.

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We then created The Change-Makers Report, investigating the gap between how we live today and how the future generation envisions themselves living in the future.

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We also set up a team of some of the change-makers of today, visionaries from the future generation and internal experts. The team works together with ELX Innovation Hub to develop solutions for better living with a 2030 horizon.

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Young people surveyed, from 13 countries around the globe


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Press coverage

“Electrolux CEO Jonas Samuelson is inviting young generations to join forces to explore solutions for future sustainable homes.”

“In its efforts to enable better and more sustainable living, global appliance brand Electrolux has been turning to the views of young people”

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